Favorites in Christmas
Large Red Poinsettia
Red Poinsettia
White Poinsettia
Silver Elegance Centerpiece
Peace & Joy Bouquet
Starry Snowflakes Bouquet
Fa-fa-fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Snowy Oasis Tree
Luminous Charm Bouquet
Snowy Sparkle Bouquet
Ruby Radiance Tree
Sparkle All The Way Bouquet
Merry Glow Bouquet
Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Bouquet
Silver Noel Bouquet
Holiday Magic
Snowflake Symphony
Caroling In The Snow by Teleflora
Holiday Enchantment Bouquet
A Christmas Dozen
Deck the Halls Tree
Designer's Choice Holiday Bouquet
Designer's Choice Winter Bouquet
Christmas flowers and holiday flowers are a wonderful way to add a festive touch to your home or office during the holiday season. At Window Box Florist, we offer a range of stunning options to help you celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. Classic choices include elegant poinsettia plants or bouquets bright red roses and seasonal greenery, as well as joyous centerpieces. Mixed arrangements and exotic flowers are also popular options. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, fresh flowers the holidays that are sure to impress. With delivery options available, you can easily surprise your loved ones with a beautiful holiday bouquet. Add a touch of holiday cheer to your space with a stunning bouquet of Christmas flowers or holiday flowers from Window Box Florist.